So far as I can tell, there is no catch, at least not for the merchant. The only potential problem a merchant might have is if they are conducting fraudulent activities, or start sending out all sorts of spam regarding the DigaPay service to get referrals in their affiliate line.
Now, consumers must understand that all transfers of credits are 'final'. If they buy something, and they decide they don't like it, but were given what they were told they would be given, they can't expect DigaPay to do a reverse credit. They would have to prove criminal fraud by the merchant to get a 'chargeback'. Just because they decide they don't like the quality of what they bought doesn't give them a right to a refund by DigaPay. "Refund policies" are entirely up to the merchant, so the customer would have to ask the merchant for a refund. As far as merchants are concerned, this actually works in their favor. Granted, this doesn't mean merchants should treat their customers like shit, because they'll just end up alienating everyone and go out of business. But it does help adult and casino websites to avoid problems with dishonest customers.
DigaPay policies clearly favor the merchant. So if there is a 'catch', it's the "buyer beware" aspect. The customer has to be more diligent about their purchases. But shouldn't that be their responsibility anyway?
Otherwise, it's more or less like PayPal, without all the restrictions and headaches.
Technically, the 'products' you are buying are DigiPal 'credits'. That's perfectly acceptable to credit card companies. What you do afterwards with your 'credits' can't be governed or regulated by the Credit Card companies. So you can trade them for whatever you want within the DigiPay 'merchant community', including adult entertainment, casino chips, etc.
As far as I can tell, it's on the up and up. They're still configuring a few features and ironing out a few kinks, because they're just getting started. But once everything is in place, I think it's going to take off big time.
P.S. Hey, if you decide to sign up, please sign up under me...PRETTY PLEEEZE... or