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Old 07-09-2003, 02:59 PM   #5
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm hearing rumours that the Rangers will pick up Cujo's "no trade" contract.

It doesn't matter anyway guys... there will be an NHL strike this coming season. So we're all screwed.
Just what I've been waiting for.

One of the major sports to financially implode.

I think they will finish next season Chris, but I expect a full year lost after that. Probably not more than that.

Honestly, I think that this is a good thing.

You've got 2 bankrupt teams and about 8 more on the financial bubble. I predict that in 10 years the NHL will probably lose 6 teams and you'll have 2-3 more relocating. Relocating to cities that WANT hockey and know what icing is.

As for the negotiating heads, Bob Goodenow stated that the NHLPA would NEVER allow a salary cap. Fair enough Bob. Your members are gonna lose a couple of hundred jobs in the next couple of years. Good job.

Again, a good thing. Rid the game of the hackers that can't skate and maybe we'll get rid of the trap and other things the no talent teams need to win. Maybe Goodenow will realize that the NHL does not have the TV contracts that the other sports do. Nor the corporate sponsorship.

Then we have Gary Bettman. The most self-serving, condescending fucks I've ever listened to. Maybe he'll realize that people aren't happy with game the way it is now. When the league has to start winning back its fans ala MLB, then maybe he'll lose the redline and open the game up.

Anyone here watch international hockey? 10 times more exciting than the NHL. Every player can skate and pass and there's room for them to do so.

So in closing, while I'll miss our national passtime next year, I'll be looking forward to the game being much better when play resumes. And maybe seeing Goodenow and Bettman lose their jobs along the way? That would make it all worthwhile too.
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