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Old 07-10-2003, 02:46 PM   #27
taboo_gal should edit this
Angel with a Devil's Grin
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I'm probably in the minority here, but I like the idea of this reality television.
However, I do agree it's gotten way out of hand. I still tune in to every episode of Survivor, but like Kris said it's becoming less and less *real* and more produced with every episode. I would really like to see them do one up north somewhere. Where it's COLD. This is what surviving is all about. But we've been through this, and the networks need the tits and ass and buff bodies to get the ratings. Which is pathetic IMO.

I will continue to watch Survivor until it gets so stupid that it insults my intelligence, and I'll be tuning in to Big Brother as well. Those are really the only two that I've always enjoyed anyway.
Shame on you!!!

Nah...you get special privledges cuz you're a new daddy and married to the moderator.
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