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Old 07-12-2003, 09:31 PM   #4
Mister X
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Sounds like the battle of the conference calls, lolol.

Seems like it might come down to who provides the better service. If that's the case then iBill has had it cuz there is no way that Epoch could have worse customer service than iBill. We found out on Thursday that Visa has been unavailable on our sites for some unknown period of time. Probably since sometime last month. So of course a call was made to our account rep at iBill raising nine kinds of hell. He swore up and down that it would be back up in 30 minutes. As of now (saturday night) still no damn Visa. The site hasn't had any compliance probs and it wasn't dropped by Visa. he admitted it was some sort of foul up. But that certainly didn't make them work any harder to fix it.

A friend of mine recently spent all the cash necessary to get his US LLC and move from iBill Europe to the US operation so that he could keep accepting Visa. He has 2 sites. The first site there were no problems other than a pretty slow turnaround time which meant he didn't have Visa for a couple of weeks. The second site still doesn't have Visa on it after 5 weeks. He has stuck with iBill from the beginning because of the rebills but he is almost certainly going to switch to another processor and let the rebills stay with iBill but not send any new signups through them. His problem with iBill is compounded by the fact that he had a fairly successful revshare running and when iBill switched things over they neglected to do anything about transferring that and didn't even bother to activate the revshare for the new account. When he asked if his revsharers were getting credit for signups they were sending the answer was "I don't know".

The thing that made the biggest impression between iBill and CCBill is that the CCBill account rep provided a cell phone number in case she wasn't reachable in the office. The iBill account rep sometimes takes 3 or 4 days to reply to voicemail or email and answers his phone at iBill maybe one time in 20 calls.
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