Possible effects:
1. Less newbies - and the ones that will give it a try - give up faster.
2. Some sponsors will indeed go under.
3. Less money for webmasters (lower payouts)
4. over time, less free porn. Maybe its kust my wishfull thinking but I think much of the free content comes from newbies.
5. Hopefully less shaving - now that the payout are lower and retention of the good webmasters is more crucial.
6. More friction between webmasters and sponsors.
Change is not always good - despite some strange "approach" expressed by some people. If you get cancer its not a good change for example. But we have to try to make the best and learn the most.
I personally think that it's the sponsors fault that this change came.
I say so because I have a feeling that if chargebacks were lower in the first place, all the Visa new regulation (the 1% as well as the previous $750) would not have occured.
What do you people think?