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Old 07-14-2003, 03:10 PM   #18
SykkBoy should edit this
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It will have a ripple effect to some degree.

If paysites are seeing evershrinking margins, they either shave more or lower payouts. This effects exit trades, content providers (less money to spend on content), affiliates, hosting companies (with a lot of their customers going out of business), etc.

It's interesting that the smaller sites who have less chargeback problems were having problems paying the $750 Visa fee. We'll probably see more consolidation with larger companies picking up these smaller "independent" sites.

I think we'll see a change in how members areas are setup. We'll see more upsells and other content besides porn. The "mega sites" will start resembling entertainment sites.

I also see a lot of content providers ending up just shooting their own shit and opening their own sites.

It will be an interesting time indeed.
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