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Old 07-14-2003, 03:21 PM   #7
SykkBoy should edit this
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I really liked it.

I don't look at it as a zombie movie per se as the virus didn't really turn them into flesh eating mutants.

I loved the subtext of mans inhumanity against man.

The acting was good enough and it was refreshing to see a horror movie with no well known actors or rappers taking away from the affects of the movie.

I liked the handheld video style of the film as well. It gave it more of a documentary look and some of the shots were done really well.

So, from a popcorn perspective, this was good and from a film snob point of view, this was a good, fun little flick and I can't wait to see more from the director.

I didn't find it overall that scary though, for more chills I recomend "The Eye" or "Audition" as (fairly) recent horor flicks that deliver the chills.
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