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Old 07-15-2003, 03:39 AM   #11
SexyScribe should edit this
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I agree with you all, and Jay you get extra hugs for being a sweetie and saving that poor kitty.

Damn! some people make me so angry!

My second cat came from the street. I came across him on Mad Nite in 94 (for those of you unfamiliar with this "tradition", it's the nite before halloween where stupid and vandalizing adolescents run amok in the streets) and he was covered in blue paint. Either someone's idea of a prank, or just sheer carelessness, i don't know, but i took him home and washed him up, (much to his dismay haha). Many scratches later, a beautiful Maine Coon cat emerged, and he has been just the biggest suck ever since.

When he developed diabetes a few years ago, I learned how to test his blood sugar before every meal and give him insulin injections twice daily. Me, with the needle phobia.. sigh.. had to get over that one real quick.

First cat came from the pound, third cat was a backyard stray i tried not to adopt, til he came round one day with a huge gash in his head that would've likely killed him had i not taken him to the vet to get taken care of.. (he's an orange polydactyl .. 23 toes in all, and just the sweetest little attention-hog around!!)

The three of them run the house now, they just let me live here... hehehe
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