Here is Connors take on it ...
Personally, I think it will spur new growth. I know, I know - bad position to take. However, the fact of the matter is you can have a 1% CB rate if you have good fraud prevention, fantastic customer service and easy easy ways to cancel.
Yes, it sucks that payouts are being lowered

- however, if you have good traffic, you can easily use a good recurring program and make just as much if not more.
Things are changing - thats a fact. I hope we will be able to adapt with them and our saving grace is technology. With the advent of tablets, I think that the software should be soon on the way to make real digital signatures available ...
Anyways, Im getting off the point. Yes, this is a temporary setback, but we are nothing if not a resiliant, adaptable industy - we will adapt to this too - they cant get rid of us that easily