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Old 07-15-2003, 04:24 PM   #33
Danny_C should edit this
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Originally posted by twinkley
Yes, it sucks that payouts are being lowered - however, if you have good traffic, you can easily use a good recurring program and make just as much if not more.

I'd like to see some numbers to support this theory. I'm not challenging it... but all the numbers I've ever seen thrown around indicate otherwise, even at a reduced payout per signup.

Something I've noticed: I've been asked by several partnerships for traffic, and I've had to tell them no, because at the moment, I only send to PPS programs. On the few occasions that they've said, "Ok, I'll pay you per signup," I've been offered, at most, $20.

If they can only pay me $20 per signup, then why should I expect to make more money from them? And if I can make more money by sending to a partnership than PPS, then why don't they go ahead and pay per signup and keep that extra recurring money for themselves?
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