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Old 07-15-2003, 04:43 PM   #35
Max Sweet
Max Sweet should edit this
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Join Date: Jul 2003
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If they can only pay me $20 per signup, then why should I expect to make more money from them? And if I can make more money by sending to a partnership than PPS, then why don't they go ahead and pay per signup and keep that extra recurring money for themselves?
The reason is this: for members to be worth $30-$45 each you usually have to wait about a year. Most new partnership programs don't have the deep pockets to pay you out at $30/join up front and then have to wait up to a year for their return. By paying you $20 up front they usually have to wait only 2-3 months (depending on site quality) for their return so its more feasible...

That said we have webmasters in our partnership program that have rebilling members from over 2 years ago. They stopped sending traffic but keep getting paid on rebills... after 2 years (I did the math) they ended up getting paid almost $45 per join. Now the downside of this is you have to wait 2 years. The upside is you get a steady stream of small revenue even if you stop working and take a vacation already
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