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Old 07-16-2003, 01:52 AM   #17
Ironhorse should edit this
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Originally posted by LAJ
Imprisoned? LOL... my cats live better than most people do pal. They come and go whenever they please, have up to date medical care, tons of space and sunlight and are protected from the elements, cars, other animals and other people. Shit, they have it so good here, that they hate it when I have to take them out to the groomers or the vet for anything and can't wait to get back home where they will be safe and have everything familiar to them.

And you can be damn sure their claws are clipped. Nothing illegal or unethical about it. There is no threat of them getting out either.

If you do some research... owners who let their cats roam outdoors cut into the cat's life expectancy by one half. The way you rationalize your "agreement" with them and their decision to risk was laughable to me at first, but when I read it again, it almost sounds like you're as negligent as my neighbor. Almost like, "If you come back alive... great... if you don't... hey... you were warned." Anyway... I can tell your philosophy is completely opposite to mine about how to care for animals, so yes, I accept that you think I overreacted here.
If you love somebody, set them free.

Unless you chopped off their claws or limbs. Then you have the 'responsibility' to protect them. What's sad is that you actually believe this.

BTW your accusation of 'neglect' is laughable. Neglect implies I don't give a fuck, when in fact I happen to have very strong conviction about this and my relationship with my feline friends. I know you've heard this often this year, but there is a price for freedom.
Tib ICQ: 790728

Last edited by Ironhorse; 07-16-2003 at 02:09 AM.
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