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Old 07-17-2003, 08:08 AM   #1
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Default EXCELLENT Traffic 4 Sale

We're Cheap-Website-Traffic.com: but don't let our name or our URL fool you: our traffic originates from *very* high-quality expired domain traffic. What does this mean to your site?

Well...put it this way. Unless you're lucky enough to have a really high ranking on Google or Yahoo, or you have a cozy arrangement with The Hun for free advertising (yeah, right), you WORK for every visitor your site gets.

But, what if we told you you can now get traffic that is *every bit as good as search engine traffic*....that's right, we repeat: EVERY BIT AS GOOD AS search engine traffic...for prices that are equal to or lower than the prices the other guys charge you for popup, popunder, or other surfer-annoying traffic sources?

We offer four simple categories of adult traffic:



Adult Shopping


Here's an example of how OUR traffic works. Say you have a paysite that rocks; you know you have a killer tour, and you know it will generate signups. The only problem is, you need TRAFFIC, and lots of it. You buy one of our Paysite packages. The surfers we send to *your* paysite were already actively attempting to surf to a paysite that no longer exists....because we direct them to an expired paysite domain. They practically already have their credit card out.

'Nuff said? There's no reason to spend money on popups or popunders if you can buy laser-targeted traffic like we offer.

Check US out if you want PRODUCTIVE traffic.

<a href="http://www.cheap-website-traffic.com"><img src="http://www.cheap-adult-traffic.com/banner.gif" border="0"></a>
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