LAJ, I'm with you on this one man. I have 2 cats as well. Don't don't even want to be outside. I used to have a cat that loved spending her day outside, but I'd never leave her out over night, forget about a weekend.
As for "Cats don't starve" uh-huh. What if you were 12yrs old, your parents went away for a weekend so they locked you out. "Don't worry, he'll find food" This is not taking responsibility for your pet. This is a "Let everybody else feed him" approach. You think the cat's gonna go to the market and get a few cans and a can opener? No. He'll go chew up a neighbor's garden, maybe he'll catch a bird and leave a half eaten corpse on the grass for kids to play with, how nice.
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Fuck a sheep? That's disgusting! Fuck a cartoon in bondage? That's sweet!</a>