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Old 07-20-2003, 03:53 PM   #5
Adult Site Traffic
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
I agree with NetRodent fully. But that being what it may, you could still find decent places to purchase traffic. Search engines come to mind first for me. However you could rent mailing lists and maybe buy some TGP traffic. Depending on what you're selling, you could go hit and miss with these types of ventures.
True, there are a lot of places that sell decent traffic out there, and search engine traffic is the best. Adwords come to mind, but in my opinion you can lose big time if you're not exactly sure what you're doing.
The $600.00 payment to Yahoo! may be an option to look into, but again, it needs to be set up properly.

I think the worst traffic you could buy to that particular site would be blind exit.

Mailing lists, I would be very careful with them.

TGP traffic, I dunno about that. Gallery listings, maybe.
The best gallery spots for pricing and return that I've ever found were from Phill at Atomic Solutions. http://www.drbizzaro.com

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