With how new the Internet and Online billing is, and how quickly WE in the industry have been able to adapt evolve and squeeze maximum profits out of it I am surprised there are not more moves like this by the Banks and processors alike.
Let's face it, Toolz is right, the Webmaster's race for higher payouts, the sponsors urgency to meet and beat the competition is exactly why we should have expected changes like these and more.
I believe the only thing VISA is doing is eliminating Fraud. Ask yourself, who are the ones that are worried? The guys relying on actual recurring sales to quality programs with content rich members areas. OR Those who rely on milking current trends and changing business models rapidly to get the quick turnover.
Contrary to industry rumour, customers are not all "cattle". When there is so much out there and so many ways of getting what you want as a consumer, you become more discerning in what you buy. Sure you may not read the fine print when you are ready to blow your load over a hot chick in a great tour offering free 30 min passes, but you can bet when that company proceeds to hit your Credit card multiple times without provocation, you are going stand up and take notice!
Originally posted by Cyndalie
Programs that offer mutliple types of sites and payouts I think will survive, because they have more internal structure to decide what traffic they allow to hit what type of payment forms as well as create more avenues for conversions without having to send the traffic away...
I would just add
Programs that learn the value of their traffic and what it means to have content rich members areas are by far richer then those who dont. Customer Service, diversifying the ways a person can earn profits with their traffic through your program it all pays off over time.
OF COURSE -- Contingency plans are in place, companies are rallying and soon there will be another race for the gold. I'm a survivor, and at this point I am in it for the long haul!!