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Old 07-23-2003, 09:02 AM   #11
taboo_gal should edit this
Angel with a Devil's Grin
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AcidMax, I totally agree.

What our society needs to realize is actions such as these actually cost them, and possibly the rest of us, in the end. Why? Well, think about it, if ANY case can be brought and ultimately won against a company, then the company has increased legal and insurance costs. They may also incur additional costs for advertising to detract from the incident (if made public) in an effort to save or repair the company's reputation. In turn, to try to absorb those costs, they may lay off employees, decrease wages or benefits and/or raise their prices. Thereby causing economic hardship.

Perhaps if they considered that their frivolous actions may actually have a ripple effect that could cost them more over a period of time, they would think twice about it. On the other hand, probably not, but I can wish, can't I?

Frivolous suits need to be removed from our legal system. Our justice system has become a laughing stock to us and the world around us. Maybe removing the junk from the docket would be the first step in regaining some control and respect for our legal system. It could also show those in our society always looking for someone else to blame that they should look in the mirror every now and then.

I now step down from my soap box and return to the padded room from which I came. (The nurse just told me it wasn't my day to play Political Advocate.)
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