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Old 07-23-2003, 11:59 AM   #16
Ounique should edit this
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Originally posted by LAJ
Oh MAN Don... you are SOOO Duckie in that pic!

Here's me at 17 in 1986 (I'm in the middle... duh)
Awwww, how cute. I just want to pinch your cheeks.

And NetRodent, I don't have any friends from my high school days, so there is nobody around to keep those stories and legends going. It's a really strange feeling because except for a few random memories that pop up occasionally, those times don't even seem real to me anymore.

The one battle my mom and I had the most was over my hair. I always wanted a huuuuuuge pompadour/mullet like Daryl Hall had, but mom wouldn't let me. Now, I'm so glad that she won that one, because I can just imagine what the pictures would look like now, LOL!!!
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