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Old 07-25-2003, 07:45 AM   #1
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Default Jehova's Witnesses: PEDO PARADISE!!!

Just saw a very disturbing rerun of a "CBS 60 minutes"-style investigating report about how the organization and the elders within Jehova's Witnesses admit to children being sexually molested within their congregations, but they DO NOT turn to the police or any social authorities to file charges. Instead, they conduct an internal investigation and if the molestor is found guilty, he has to apologize to his victim(s).

They also interviewed Bill Bowen, an ex-elder, who was excommunicated because he wouldn't allow a cover-up when a case like this came up. He said "If I were a pedophile, I'd join Jehova's Witnesses. If the children said something, I'd just call them liars and they'd all believe me!"

See, the pedo's aren't online... They're too busy molesting children within Jehova's Witnesses congregations...
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