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Thread: GloBill is gone
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Old 07-26-2003, 12:05 AM   #12
Mister X
Mister X should edit this
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Originally posted by CumSensei
I would love to use ccbill but they dont aprove of companies outside the states or the EU

So what other options are there?

I was thinking about using globill for my site but im so happy I did not get it online before this went down...

So give me some advice here guys?
You can try Verotel. One of my buddies signed with them to use as a backup processor until his CCBill stuff comes through. No $750 because they aren't in the US and they were processing in less than 48 hours. They also have the largest number of options for European surfers.

In the long term I would suggest you save up the $1000 US to get a US LLC and then pay the $750 to CCBill or PSW.

Whatever you do stay away from iBill. I suspect they might be the next company to go under. Mostly because their constant fuckups are chasing away customers in big numbers. I know of 2 cases where they took almost 6 weeks to transfer accounts to newly formed LLCs. And in Both cases they pulled Visa after 3 weeks because an "oversight" caused them to not submit the sites to Visa for approval. Big oversight.
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