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Thread: GloBill is gone
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Old 07-28-2003, 11:35 AM   #18
Kenny B
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The whole point was Glo-Bill wasn’t charging the $750 and even more so wasn’t taking the information Visa requested to be registered with them. It was CCBill who refunded the $750 they charged to webmasters and I don’t see how they made $ by refunding the $750 when some of the other billing companies didn’t offer that option.

I wasn’t blaming Glo-Bill, I am fully aware it’s due to the strong arm of Visa that they were shut down. But I can pretty much guarantee that this didn’t happen to Glo-Bill over night, they didn’t walk into their offices on Friday morning and realize that their bank had just cut them off without any prior notice or warnings. Yet they didn’t mention anything to their webmasters until after they cut off access to their stats and other admin features. Not to mention all checks they cut in the last week are going to bounce!

I agree with you that Visa is up to something & I am hardly kissing ass. It was very costly as a Canadian webmaster to incorporate in the US and pay the $750 even though that was reimbursed over time, so I’m not a fan of them at all. This whole Visa registration process isn’t just about the $750 it’s about our privacy issues & letting the government know who owns & operates what websites. The only way the US government can control porn on the internet is if all the porn companies are incorporated in the United States, this is just the first step in big brother getting closer to trying to regulate our businesses & make it harder for us to make an honest living peddling smut!

kenny - at -kennyspennies.com
icq: 53962376
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