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Old 09-26-2002, 01:27 AM   #24
spudnik should edit this
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Originally posted by wired4porn
Ray Bourque Finally Holding Lord Stanleys Cup Over His Head After Like 22 Years Of Blood Sweat And Tears........ I kind of wish he had done it with Boston, but im still happy for the guy
I'm sort of torn on the whole Ray Bourque saga. Of course, I'm happy that he won the Cup - it would be impossible not to be happy for him. Bringing the Cup back to Boston, though, for that rally in Gov't Center, was a bit like pouring lemon juice onto a paper cut IMO.

Growing up as a Bruins fan in the 80s and 90s, one of the things that made Ray great was that he stuck with the B's, even though he could have gone elsewhere - for a Cup or even just for more money (although the Bruins paid him very well, despite their miserly reputation). In my mind, he sort of tarnished himself by leaving (and having the nerve to say, after he'd retired, that he'd "always be a Bruin"). There aren't too many players that stayed with one team throughout a career that long. Ray may have won the Cup, but he gave up the legacy that he spent 20 years building.
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