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Old 09-26-2002, 09:25 AM   #26
spudnik should edit this
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Originally posted by wired4porn Very Well Said spudnik, I couldn't agree with you more.....
You're the very first Bruins fan that's agreed with me on this. I usually get a lot of flack for not having heart. The argument generally goes something like this - "Ray gave 20 good years to Boston and what did they give to him? Nothing. He DESERVED to win."

First off, no one player deserves to win anything. One of the problems that plagues professional sports today is that players feel an individual claim to team rewards. Of course they'd all like to win the Cup/Superbowl/World Series/etc. but no individual player *deserves* it. Yeah, it's great that Bourque finally won the ultimate prize, but it doesn't make him a better player. Would anybody have respected him less if he'd never won it?

Yeah, Ray gave 20 good years to Boston. In return, he was very well-compensated, extraordinarily well-respected by his peers within the hockey community, and given the undying, unquestioned, and absolute loyalty and adoration of the City of Boston and Bruindom in general. I'd say he made out pretty well. We, the fans, gave 20 good years to Ray Bourque. And we got shafted in the end.

Sorry to bring this thread off-topic (again), but I needed to vent. As you can probably tell, this is still a sore spot for me.
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