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Old 09-26-2002, 09:45 AM   #22
twinkley should edit this
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My apologies for not seeing your sarcasm. This topic has gotten me very riled up all over again. (i was furious after vancouver and was told to keep quiet as not to offend)

You are right in saying that I dont know what happened in CA. I don't. I only have the actions of the same group of people in another place doing the same thing.

As for the word "allegedly" in the article. As a journalist (to cover his own ass) he MUST put this in because we do live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty. I totally understand this.

As for the webmasters asking who to report bangbus to? Good for them! They are *wondering* if something bad is going on there and calling them on it. I dont blame them. I think they should have been pointed in the direction of the people producing it so they could explain that the product is staged. Just like Pythons I dream or teenie or chicktrick. Its a good show, and thats what people are paying for - a show.

I think MORE webmasters should question possibly harmful content before just throwing it up on their sites. There were a whole lot of people who "thought" bumfights was staged. When asked, I would (politely) explain that I knew for a fact that it wasnt, as I saw them filming.

As far as a conviction and civil suits, I will leave that up to the court. I think the public outrage is gonna hold this one down if it becomes more public (which I hope it does). These guys took advantage of people for money. As far as I'm concerned thats enough. My guess is they will get heavy fines for holding fights without a license. Without a license they can not distribute video copies of the fights. This is the way I would like to see this go. No one goes to jail, but they will pay heavily for their stupidity and their product will be shut down.

This would leave it open for civil cases as well, and maybe, just maybe, these guys will learn that it does NOT pay to take advantage of the innocent.

(attempting to protect all that is good and right in the world)
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