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Old 08-08-2003, 12:44 PM   #1
Funbrunette is Travelling the world!
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Default BIG XNations Contest - $5000 in prizes!

Well the long awaited contest is finally here, and we have cash and prizes totaling $5000 to give away!
We've found some generous sponsors for this contest, so read carefully!

The Prizes:

$1000 in licensed image content from Fresh Photos (http://www.freshphotos.com/)
$300 in licensed image content from Fetish Brokers (http://www.greg-gregory.com/)
$300 in licensed image content from Adult Legal (http://www.adultlegal.com/)
A $500 one month package of content (straight or gay) from Awesome Content/Python *(http://www.awesomecontent.com/)
A $750 one month package of "sextvlive" from Content Guys. *(http://www.contentguys.com/)
A $695 one month package of "Bang 'em Young" from Hustler *(http://www.hustlercontent.com/packages/)
A $500 one month package from Socal Streams *(http://www.socalstreams.com/)
A 3 month hosting package from OXEO with up to 100 gigs of transfer per month. (http://www.oxeo.com/)

The Contests:
All contests run from 12 noon Eastern, August 10th until 12 noon Eastern, August 17.

This is a fairly straightforward contest. Make the most posts and referrals, and win! Points are given like this: 1 post = 1 point. 1 referral = 25 points. For a referred webmaster to count for 25 points, they must make at least 2 posts to the board. To refer, use the Refer Webmasters link on XNations index page.

1st place: $1000 in licensed image content from Fresh Photos (http://www.freshphotos.com/)
2nd place: $695 one month package of "Bang 'em Young" from Hustler (http://www.hustlercontent.com/packages/)
3rd place: $300 in licensed image content from Fetish Brokers (http://www.greg-gregory.com/)

Be the webmaster to start the thread that gets the most replies in the time given, and you win! Your own replies do not count, and replies need to be more than just a couple of words and a smiley. Apart from that, anythings goes!

1st place: A 3 month hosting package from OXEO with up to 100 gigs of transfer per month. (http://www.oxeo.com/)
2nd place: $750 one month package of "sextvlive" from Content Guys. (http://www.contentguys.com/)
3rd place: $300 in licensed image content from Adult Legal (http://www.adultlegal.com/)

At 5 different times during the course of this week (it could happen anytime!), you will see a thread on xnations for "name that tune". Click to enter the thread, and listen to the song. If you are the first webmaster to correctly identify the artist, and name of the song, you win the prize indicated in the thread! You must name the artist and song name EXACTLY. Spelling counts, and no message editing is allowed!

5 Prizes...
$500 one month package of content (straight or gay) from Awesome Content/Python (http://www.awesomecontent.com/)
$500 one month package from Socal Streams (http://www.socalstreams.com/)
Plus... 3 prizes of $100 US dollars.... CASH!

All contests run concurrently! While competing for one, you are racking up points for another! You may win more than one prize. Some prizes (marked with a *) require that you own or operate a paysite or work for a company that can make use of these prizes.

Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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