I agree 100%, Chris.
You know, I was around for a lot of the craziness, but didn't even know it was happening, and here's why: Any time I see a crowd of erect guys squeezing in so tight that I can't see what's going on inside the circle, and camera's start flashing, I ignore it and go back to networking. I'll never understand why someone who works in porn would go to a convention to pack in with other sweaty panting guys fighting over a good view of some ass (or urine).
If there was no business to be done, I'd just as soon stay home with my family. So it does bother me that so many people refuse to focus on the business aspect of conventions.
And you're right... Ashcroft just announced that the Extreme Associates prosecution is only the beginning of a long planned campaign against pornography. Now is not the time to put ourselves in a negative light in public places.
The Diplomat loved us last year, and after this year, I'm not even sure we'll be invited back... and I think that's really a shame, because of all the places I go each year, the Diplomat is my favorite.