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Old 08-11-2003, 05:05 PM   #8
Dwreck should edit this
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Chris I have attended many of trade shows in three different countries.

I think that the parties arent any rowdier it's just with the popus of digicams and sites like fubarwebmasters and webmasterphotos.com people are just becoing aware of what is goin on at the parties.

And with the huge amount of traffic these new pictures sites are getting some times the only way you can get you or your company featured is *hammin it up* for the cam.

The parties or no better or worse than before. The parties are that a party!! When you see me at the seminars I'm all biz. A lil hung over but with a notebook in hand.

I never ever close a deal at a party. I give them a card and email them later. After 1 a.m I have a no biz talk moto. For anythign after that people are talking out there ass and its bad.

The thing with this industry I find it a populaity contest. The most ENERGTIC PARTY ANIMALS tend to get the most biz done. To a certan degree.

I can go on..............
Derek*Dwreck* Smout
Head of Sales and Marketing
ICQ 165-976-549
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