Well being a party girl I admit to being drunk, not rowdy and I have never peed in a cup! rofl
If i only get one or two amazing new clients when i go to a show then i consider it successful for me. I spend a lot of time with my existing clients and work on building better relationships with them and nabbing some referrals from them. I only get to see them sometimes once a year, and I like to hang out with them, i only work with people i like or i pass them on to someone else! lol
I do get excited to go to parties, like going to Liberace's house or the Real World suite.....
But as far as the lack of professionalism it depends how you look at it. It seems for some of us, porn is our job, and some of us porn is our lifestyle and for some a bit of both. I can't say I love hearing about people peeing all over or in cups at a party I attended, I find it a bit embarassing to know that I was just at a party where all this went on. Being in porn, hotels and venues I'm sure are skeptical enough to take our business, why do we need to prove them right? I'm sure that next year that boat wont' have any adult parties on it.
I tend to stay away from the in your face porn shoots and live shows that go on. That is not why I go. Also makes me wonder when there is a huge crowd gathered around, doesnt' anyone look at their sites?? Haven't they seen people fucking before? ROFL
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