Originally posted by Ronaldo
Good post Tonda.
One point however. There apparently WAS some confusion at Pornapalooza (http://www.topprotalent.com/newsdetail.php?ID=310), but Topbucks seemingly is taking responsibility for the problems. They deserve top marks for stepping up and taking responsibility.
That's one of my biggest beefs with people today. Noone steps up and accepts blame or takes responsibility for their actions. Of course, as always, it's the fault of lawyers everywhere.
I have no doubt there was confusion just that it was not as bad as some people made it out to be.
Another piece of food for thought...do you think Sponsors would continue to throw crazy parties if fewer people showed up? The parties increase in size and content because that is what draws the people to their particular event. The Sponsors look at it as if the more people that attend their event the better the show went for them. Even if you don't agree with it; it is nothing more than a simple marketing strategy.
Whether we want to believe it or not, we are in control of our destiny.