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Old 08-11-2003, 07:06 PM   #19
twinkley should edit this
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Oh gosh ... evil chris just had to go and show me this thread .....

I dont understand why this sort of thing keeps happening over and over again. I dont understand the need to destroy anyone elses property EVER. Its a matter of respect. Some people get into "party mode" and lose all concept of reality - drinking and drugs are not an excuse.

Yes, everyone is there to have a good time and hopefully get biz done. But what about the people shelling out for these events? We threw our first semi-large party at this show and I am pleased to announce there were $0 in damages. Not because there was no alcohol (it was a kegger) but because the people invited were all people we already do biz with, or want to. I deliberately left certain people off the list for things I have seen them do at other similar events (ciggarettes out on the carpet is always a big one).

The problem is everyone is so busy laughing at the "antics" and no body wants to be the asshole that says "what the FUCK are you doing dude?!" - well, I became that asshole at this show. I will fully admit being at other parties than my own and reprimanding people for their bad bad bad behavior. I LOVE the westin, and will not be surprised, although disappointed, if they do NOT invite us back.

Its sad that a select few can ruin it for so many. As for the actual business of the show - it was great for me. I went in with a plan and accomplished just about everything I set out to do - i was on the show floor, usually at our booth the entire time doing biz. In fact, I was SO busy making deals I didnt get a chance to hang out with most of my friends - but ya know what - im there to do biz first and THEN party.

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