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Old 08-12-2003, 09:05 PM   #12
Taass should edit this
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Thank you AronM for a way more productive ansver this time

It seems to me then that theres quite some confusion and contradiction Between 2257 And 75.8, Much of section 75 actualy seems to contradict itself as far as i see it..

It seems to get even more confusing as in 2257 its clearly required by the producer, whereas section 75 its required by both a primary and a secondary producer..

Anyways in both 2257 and 75 i still only see it stated that this as a requirement to the producer (and in sec75 for the primary producer too) so i think it comes down to the defenition of you beeing a producer or not.

Sec 75.1 uses this definition :

(1) A primary producer is any person who actually films, videotapes,
or photographs a visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct.
(2) A secondary producer is any person who produces, assembles,
manufactures, publishes, duplicates, reproduces, or reissues a book,
magazine, periodical, film, videotape, or other matter intended for
commercial distribution that contains a visual depiction of actual
sexually explicit conduct.
(3) The same person may be both a primary and a secondary producer.
(4) Producer does not include persons whose activities relating to
the visual depiction of actual sexually explicit conduct are limited to
the following:
(i) Photo processing;
(ii) Distribution; or
(iii) Any activity, other than those activities identified in
paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) of this section, that does not involve the
hiring, contracting for, managing, or otherwise arranging for the
participation of the depicted performers.

The question is then if a gallery maker will be labeled a producer or not under those defenitions ?

Guess theres two ways of seeing this, one where we are all producers and we practicly have to have the statement writen on every hardcore photo or at least every webpage with those photos.. Or one where we (or most of us anyways) not labeled as producers and basicly stands clear of this requirement.

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