I think it's a given that you can take the word "producer" to include people who build web pages. That means that a gallery page is covered by the law so it probably doesn't hurt to include a 2257 link on your pages. All that you need to have on that page is a statement that the content was supplied by "Company XXX" and their custodian of records info. If you put the info on a seperate page you will of course run into trouble with tgps that have a strict policy about the number of outside links on a page. You can get around that by putting the whole statement on a page.
Something like this:
This site obtains all images and other adult content only from Eromodel Group who represent in writing that they only use models that are at least 18 years of age and maintain age verification records required by the Federal government and pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 2257.
Eromodel Group
Custodian of Records
XXXX Belanger
Montreal, QC, XXX XXX
In compliance with the Federal Labeling and Record-Keeping Law (also known as 18 U.S.C. 2257), all models located within our domain were 18 years of age or older during the time of photography. All content and images are in full compliance with the requirements of 18 U.S.C. 2257 and associated regulations.
Personally I would have to agree with AaronM that it is a really BAD idea to provide a model's private personal info to anyone that buys content with her in it.
As far as whether you really need to put it on a gallery page... probably yes if you are in the US and your server is in the US. Probably no if neither of the above is true. BUT be aware that there is always a possibility that you could end up with a criminal record in the US or be barred from entry to the US if you don't comply. The US has consistently shown that it considers anybody anywhere to be within their jurisdiction. Chances are slim to nonexistent that any other country would extradite one of their citizens to be prosecuted for something like failing to provide 2257 documentation but it is possible to be tried and convicted in absentia. Which means that you could end up with a criminal record and never be allowed across the border. And there would be a good chance that other countries would bar you from entering as well.
That said I think the chances of that actually happening are very small indeed if you don't use content that might be questioned. And a request/demand that the page be made compliant or that you provide the necessary info would probably be made before they bothered to prosecute. But anything could happen.