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Old 08-13-2003, 05:02 PM   #19
Cyndalie is not it.
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I attended the legal seminar this past Internext and did an article on the amount of stress they placed on 2257 compliance.

Here is an excerpt of the article I wrote and researched after the show

"Section 2257 is one of the most directly applicable federal laws that can be used against Webmasters today. Since prosecution of obscenity is so difficult, the government is looking for a “guilty” plea by setting up these kinds of compliance requirements. Once you and your sites are under investigation the government will not only look for child porn and obscenity, but if they find anything on any computer they scrutinize they will add as many compounded charges on top of it such as “distribution” and “conspiracy.”

Chris this means ANY VEHICLE OF TRANSMISSION (that can go across state/country borders) like a web page, TGP pages, pic post pages, EMAILs that include adult content or sexual imagry, you name it you have to post it. The govt sill wont address the issues regarding BANNERS, and they say to be Censor-Happy when it comes to points of penetration.

Too much to put in a post so here's the link to the article posted a few days ago http://ynotnews.ynotmasters.com/issu...703/page5.html

Great Topic!

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