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Old 08-14-2003, 11:09 AM   #8
Magnus3x is superfantastico!
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Try hitting them in the off season and you will see oh how much no fun they can be. These are all basically resort towns. I have wrestled Professionally in Ucluelet 3 or 4 times now and the last time we had a stay over while there. We stayed 3 days at the big hotel in town (they opened up 4 rooms of the closed for the season hotel for us to stay at. Our only form of entertainment was mooning wrestlers in other rooms, driving down the roads at 4am too see what dead end had the most deer. And thank god the people at the smiley cafe were nice enough to let us bowl for free where we invented a new game where each shot you take has to be unique ( I luckily wiped out my ankle ).
My man...just to smell the clean air and to be there is all I need. I dont need to be "doing" things 24/7 I work hard.. I play hard and sometimes I just want to relax for a few days and soak it all in. I would'nt live there but a few weeks would be bliss in my opinion.

You'll see ...one day...
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