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Old 08-14-2003, 01:20 PM   #21
TheTaoOfSexology should edit this
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As a content provider I agree that the models personal information should not be released when the same are sold. However I do believe and offer to clients indemnification and the right to publish us as their compliance agent regarding any images/video acquired from us.

I also agree that anything remotely associated with sexually explcict/pornographic material should bear this statement. I believe that enforcement of this statement will significantly reduce flagrant copyright infringement

What I am doubtful on are the suggestion that such compliance be stated on every page of a website. I believe the very first page is sufficient. Nevertheless I am going to redesign our sites to include a link to our compliance statement on every page as mere precaution. It's easier to add the statement to every page than to try and justify your actions and/or lack thereof when the feds are trying to hang a rap on you.
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