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Old 08-14-2003, 01:28 PM   #1
qwebecexpo should edit this
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Default Quebec City 2004

-=: Quebec City August 2003 :=-

Dear adult industry colleagues,

We are very happy to announce the upcoming QWEBEC EXPO; an exciting Webmaster Event in beautiful Quebec City by September 3-5, 2004.

QWEBEC EXPO - Quebec's Adult Web Industry Gathering and Conference.

QWEBEC EXPO is moving forward to be Canada's premier Adult Webmaster Show. To avoid conflicts with other shows, we have rescheduled QWEBEC EXPO from June to September 3-5, 2004, midway between other shows and InterNext in January.

Sponsorship and Exhibitor packages have been prepared with you in mind and are all extremely affordable. The "Workshops" sponsorship package has already been reserved by Jay and Bob from YNOTMasters and "Advertizing" is sponsored by AdultChamber.com. However, there are many tremendous packages and unique sponsorship opportunities to advertise your company or products.

We invite you to check out QWEBEC.com and discover a sponsorship that suits your marketing strategy as well as your budget; from cocktail receptions to a scenic webmaster horse carriage tour of amazing Old Quebec by Night! We expect sponsorship packages and booths to be sold very fast.

We are also offering a 15% discount on Booths that are booked early, bringing the price down from already low $1500.00 price to only $1275.00.

Please contact us and reserve your sponsorship opportunity for this exciting new event!

Hope to hear from you soon, please receive our warmest regards,
Michael P.
CEO - Sponsorship & Exhibit Sales Mgr.
ICQ: 139036653 | SKYPE : michaelqwebec
Up to $2.50 PPL on your Free Cams traffic at CrakRevenue

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