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Old 08-14-2003, 10:12 PM   #6
Bigsampy should edit this
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Default Re: Where can i find these clips?

Originally posted by Easton
i just wanna know what they are cracking down on...

"Specifically, the six clips from Extremeassociates.com that are getting challenged for obscenity are: Valeriejospit.wmv, jewel.mpeg, PZ Summer Breeze.mpeg, dp_gangbang_7_gen_X.mpeg, miacum.mpeg and analasspirations1.mpeg"

taken from http://www.yesportal.com/news.cfm/1604
Hi there! JMTC> as a guy who used to carry extreme on his DVD rental site = and - has (and continues) to review the vilest, hardest, dirtiest movies put out by the dark side of hollywood - I'd say - don't lose a lot of sleep over those pics. I stopped carrying extreme before the injunction - not because of the upcoming prosecution (and we all knew it was coming - they begged for it more than Gary Hart did in the 80's) but because they made sloppy movies with lousy production values. Anabolic/Diabolic - and Now Redlight District/Zero Tolerance/Platinum X are all putting out way better product that sells itself on quality without the needless hype. If you take the sex out of Forced entry - the rest is shit - and the shit is what got them in trouble. Again, JMTC.

"Yes, time flies. And where did it leave you? Old too soon...smart too late."
--M. Tyson
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