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Old 08-15-2003, 08:53 AM   #29
GoodChris is not gay like EVIL Chris
Chris X
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You're like one of the original partiers... whatcha tawkin' aboot. Are you suggesting that these parties don't convert?

Personally, (and you and I have been here since day 1 so you will appreciate this.) we used to do business on the floor, but nowadays, I personally meet people out of the showroom.

The Miami show was awesome as far as contacting and networking went. The parties were alot smaller so we all actually got a chance to talk. Sure, people got drunk, but in the end, some great deals were made.

To conclude, sure... people do crazy things, but the ones that are into the business make use out of every opportunity they get.

Hit me up for Graphic design and webmastering.

ICQ 12531824
MSN chrisbegin at hotmail dot com

(same email address as well)

I'm not Easy, but sometimes I get tricked
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