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Old 08-15-2003, 11:04 AM   #1
BT should edit this
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Default SexCheck Webmaster Update

Dear Webmasters,

As you are aware, VISA, MasterCard, payment processing companies, together with their respective banks, frequently adjust, or readjust, their policies regarding online payment transactions.

We at SexCheck have been informed that VISA has interpreted its regulations to prohibit AVS programs from accepting transactions originating at sites not owned by the AVS program itself.

This means that SexCheck, as an AVS, can no longer include sites owned by third party webmasters. So not only must SexCheck no longer accept for review any third party site submissions, any third party sites participating in the program must be removed.

Regrettably, we have no choice but to comply with VISA's position, and therefore all SexCheck join panels must be removed from participating sites.

Thank you for your kind support of, and participation in, SexCheck. And thank you for removing the join panels from your sites.

Kind Regards,

SexCheck AVS

IS Prime Hosting Bald Head Shine 1-866-502-HOST Ext. 7116 "BT"

Icq: 122994792
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