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Old 08-15-2003, 07:50 PM   #4
wsjb78 should edit this
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The other day a guy and his wife went to bed quite early. As soon as they were in it they started touching and caressing each other... after a short while the man got really horny and he thought his wife feels the same, since the whole thing was sexually orientated.
But exact in this moment the woman said to him: "Please stop, I don't feel like having sex. I only want to be strongly embraced by you, ok?"
He almost yelled: "WHAAAT?" And then she replied with those magic words: "You just can't handle the emotional needs of a woman."
He then gave up and fell asleep without having sex that night.

The next day the two of them went shopping in a shopping mall. She saw there thre really beautiful dresses but all of them were quite expensive and she couldn't decided which one she wanted most. Her husband then told her to take all three of them.
At this gesture, she was a bit paralyzed for the moment but then catching herself again she said she would also need new shoes matching those dresses. The man nodded and said with an understanding voice: "That is no problem my love."

After they went on shopping the passed a jeweler. She asked to stop there and see if the they have something nice. She quickly found an elegant necklace with diamonds that perfectly fits her new dresses. And when she looked at her husband he only nodded. If you had seen her at that moment, she was so happy then... Probably she thought her husband has become totally crazy but it didn't mater to her. She was almost sexually aroused.
In that moment she told her husband with her sweetest smile: "Let's go to the check-out and pay."

It was quite difficult for him not to start laughing when he said to her: "No my dear, I think I don't feel like buying all those things."
Her face became totally pale and even more when her husband added: "I only want to be embraced now."
He saw how she became angry and he added: "You know, my dear, you just can't handle the financial needs of a man."


Ok, this was a German - English translation...
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