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Old 08-16-2003, 01:56 AM   #11
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Had to dig this up, 'cause it's still my favorite.

"I'm a 20 year old University student who, to save money lives at home with my parents. After perusing a magazine, I saw an ad for a 12 inch dildo that I thought might be fun to try.

While I was hesitant at first, the company assured their customers that all of their parcels arrived in plain brown wrapping. Having never done anything like this before, I figured I'd give it a shot.

Well about 2 months went by and I forgot about the stupid thing until I arrived at home and my parents informed me that a parcel had come for me. Being the considerate parents that they were, I thought nothing of the fact that they said they put it up in my room.

I went upstairs and to my horror, noticed the toy had indeed arrived. It was in a clear plastic bag with a note attached from the post office that read, "Our most sincere apologies. The packaging for this product was damaged in transit. Sincerely, Canada Post"
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