Originally posted by Taass
Hey that trailer looks pretty cool..
Funny, I always found the Jason movies rater lame.. But The Nightmares where cool
I've always prefered the Friday movies over Elm Street, but enjoy them as well.
I preferred retarded bastion of good Jason over zombie Jason.
My biggest problem with Freddy is when he just became a one-liner spouting gameshow host of death. In the first two movies, he was one dark, brutal SOB and then he just became a psychotic comedian. Jason just went about his business of hack and slash.
I espceially loved te way kane Hodder played Jason with the heaving chest and that determined walk, unlike the lumbering versions seen in previous movies with other actors (especially Ted White in part 4, even though that was my favorite of the series).
While I like some dark humor with my horror, I find myself frustrated with horror comedies, except the spoof movies like "Scary Movie" or "Re-Posesses"
With that said, bring on "Uncle Sam Vs. Jack Frost"