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Old 08-17-2003, 12:08 AM   #46
Taass should edit this
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Originally posted by DamageX
Thanks, I'll be in touch with them.

And no, I'm not nagging over the free prize. I'm just trying to make a point. The contests are supposed to have promotional value for the people trying to win the prizes, the ones who give away the prizes and the ones who run the contests (the owners of this board). Setting up a contest in which everyone can participate but only some of the participants could win the prize, is not good promotion. Or at least not too me. And yes, I'm aware of the fact that I look like a cry-baby because I didn't get my prize (although, again, that's not the reason I'm posting this), but the fact remains that anyone allowed to enter the contest should also be allowed to win, IMO.
Nope.. You got some good points.. Didn't try to make you look like a cry baby, i was kinda reffering to competition in general, not to mention myself beeing that i now won two competitions and don't have any prizes
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