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Old 08-17-2003, 01:54 AM   #6
SykkBoy should edit this
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Freddy vs. Jason is my favorite movie of the year so far!

If you know Freddy and Jason inside out (like I do ;-)) you'll LOVE all the references and in-jokes.

I won't spoil anything other than to say it was one hell of a battle and one hell of a fight scene.

The acting was better than the typical horror movie victims. The dialogue was a little rough in areas, but who gives a hit, all we want to see is some damn hack, hack, slash, splat!

It feels so good and so comfortable to go back to 80's style horror. We get nudity AND the red stuff (things the "Scream" type movies took away from us).

I only had a minor gripe with the movie and that was a few rough edits that looked like MPAA shenanegans or the editor was on crack during the editing process of those two scenes (this wasn't the typical MTV style editing, it was just a couple bad edits).

So, two big, bloody severed thumbs up!

I'm going to go see it again sometimes this week.

NOTE: this is a valentine to horror fans (especially Freddy and Jason fans) and if you're not a fan of the series, you'll probably not be as excited as I was.
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