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Old 08-18-2003, 09:16 PM   #14
GoodChris is not gay like EVIL Chris
Chris X
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Originally posted by SykkBoy
Just curious, have you seen the movies in question?

Also, these weren't movies that were just made. If I remember right, the movies in question were made last year.

Truth is though, we NEED envelope pushers. Where would be without Larry Flynt pushing envelopes and boundaries?

the fundamental problem here is that in a mainstream movie, typically, rape is not glorified. When you are pushing a movie through the XXX channels and include RAPE and Death as the theme, it will become seen as an association which will please the church to no ends. They have been trying to associate porn with rape for years, and now Mr. Black IS associating it, fake or not.

It is a stupid move in today's climate. Whether the movie is a year old, a week old or a 100 years old, he was still distributing it and it was a stupid move.

Sure we need envelope pushers to get realistic laws in place, but this shit is just stupid. Do you really want Porn associated with death and rape? I sure as hell don't.
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