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Old 08-18-2003, 09:52 PM   #15
SykkBoy should edit this
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Originally posted by Mister X
If you're going to make shit like that you might as well hang a sign around your neck saying "Headline Making Bust".

To be honest I think they deserve what they get. You can't get much more disgusting than the stuff they apparently make. And the stupidity... Apparently the bust came about because they were in a documentary thing on PBS Frontline and described the action in the video in detail. Morons.

As far as whether or not it's different than a regular Hollywood movie... Of course it is. Most people don't sit and jackoff to Dirty Harry.
My grandmother feels everyone in this industry deserves to go to jail. Shall we let her decide our morality?

To me, their stupidity was in ignoring hostile zip codes.

I would argue that it is no different than a Dirty harry movie. Someone who is going to jack off to rape will do it whether it's in a Rob Black movie or a Clint Eastwood movie. I've seen newsgroups where guiys request just the rape scenes from "hollywood" movies.

What would you have told Larry Flynt when he dared to show pink in his magazines? Remember, this used to be totally taboo and now you can find that stuff for free on TGP galleries.
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