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Old 08-18-2003, 10:01 PM   #16
saus should edit this
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Montreal (usually in cyberspace actually)
Posts: 45
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Extreme Associates is a major player in the Video market,
Their library consists of hundreds of VERY popular films & lines..

Anyone who thinks that this bust happened solely because of those two movies cited in the press release is deluding himself! Other osbcenity charges are coming, they pick the easiest to nail so the precedent is set to mass prosecute afterwards.

What is considered obscene in the USA varies from community to community, meaning you don't have to have death or rape to get nailed, oral sex is considered illegal & obscenity in many states, and as soon as they get a few prosecutions they'll get more daring.

lotta people in this industry living in a bubble!
Free Sites, naked women, tgp, - it's illegal, and until now not enforced, but that is clearly about to change.
Force you to register, process, regulate, and anyone who bucks the trend will do time & pay the fine.

Please don't anyone tell me that having a 19 year old with her ass in the air spanning over 16 images in a gallery for free available to anyone anytime isn't considered osbcenity in 98% of the communities in the USA.. it is. And if its your gallery you're on the hook, and a convincing argument can be made in court that your sponsor is on the hook too for paying you over these last few months. (meaning sponsors are responsible whether they like it or not for all the affiliates under them, just like they are responsible when an affiliate uses spam to promote their programs, they are.. the magic word: Liable.)

Visa has said flat out, don't use us to register age, period. The shit is going to hit the fan hard this year, the big clean up. Makes acacia look like wiener schnitzel! 10% of webmasters know it and see it, the rest are in lala land. If Visa can't regulate age, then who will? Answer, get all the free porn off the net.. or else. COPA is being retabled, if you don't know what COPA is, I'll say it flat out, you have no business being an adult webmaster

2004 - you can take this to bank if bush wins again, the word of the year will be 'liability'.. 7 months after everyone & his mom registered an incorporation in the USA to sell porn. It's gonna be an intense ride!!
Pray the ACLU can stave off the latest rounds.. Ashcroft is coming for us, with Bush, the cowboy who cleaned up the wild west.
'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds..'

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