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Old 08-19-2003, 05:24 PM   #1
Lawrence Connor
Lawrence Connor should edit this
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Default Lawrence Connor = Wangdoodle

I am trying to become involved as a performer.

I have been for some time now.

I am slightly known of by some few in the biz
already for having been doing this for a bit
already, and shall continue in my hopes to
generate an interest to use me to whatever
extent may be possible such as a porn
reality web site.

I was one of the recent
(not this past Wed. but week before)
Hump Day Lunch show with YNOTBob,

And an idea, that has been mentioned to me:

Okay, a porn website, a 'reality' site,
with me as the male performer in it.

That's the thing, that somebody
could take that idea, and make it
something worthwhile, of value,
and even successful.

That's it, as has been suggested to me before
by others, even, and not my idea alone.

LawrenceAtLarge.com (?)

And a good idea, yes?
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