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Old 08-20-2003, 11:30 PM   #7
Shann should edit this
Queen Bish
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Originally posted by Ronaldo
I agree completely. Sex does sell.

But, if I put up a site with revealing pictures of 17 year old girls on it (which I'd NEVER do, by the way), people would be screaming pedo and saying my site should be closed down.

IF however, a mainstream magazine does it and puts it on THEIR site, so be it. It'll be written off as good marketing or "gack" good JOURNALISM.
You read my mind! Mainstream sensationalizing young stars when porn is not allowed. Should not be allowed period. My daughter loves the Olsen twins, and once they turn 18, i know they will be fair game for these pervs who have been watching them for years. Grosses me out.

Sex sells, or we wouldn't be here! But willing participants are different then child idols, as they said in their interview, they want to appeal to their younger fans as well. That is who buys their DVDs and clothes, and magzines.... I've seen it all, they are marketing machines for tweens. Shame on mainstream IMO.

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