That's good advice from a point.
I've only had the misfortune of dealing with a crooked business once-knock on wood.
It was over a gallery template that was never designed. I lost a whopping $50.00. Certainly no big deal, but I'll never do business with them again and when ever the opportunity arises to warn people about this person, I surely do.
I also agree with Chris, in that STARTING a thread isn't always the best idea. Sadly however, these boards are one of the few ways that this industry can police themselves and rid themselves of the bad businesses out there.
I'm not as forgiving as some so I think your guage should be how much can you afford to lose. At the very least, if you see OTHERS get flamed for complaining on the boards about this person, I DO suggest that you add your story to the mix. This will lend credibility to the other people that are also being ripped off and further warn others from doing business with this person.
Now, as I said, I'm not gonna go pissing over $50, but if I lost a month's worth of revenue? I would do a little research, do a search on *** (blocked out of respect for Xnations) and make a polite little post asking if anyone else has had a problem with this fellow. Then I'd send the link to the party who didn't pay me.
Then I'd take it to whatever level he deemed necessary.
A word of warning. Post count holds an artificial level of respect at the place I would post and I have been a member for a couple of years so that would negate a smaller post count. If you sign up today and your first post is calling someone out on the boards, then you probably won't have much success. THIS, I would have to advise against.
I do believe that Chris is right in that if it's a smaller amount, right it off as misfortune and keep your stories amongst friends. But I also believe that we can't let the crooked ones in this industry get away with screwing everyone over time and time again. Consider it a kangaroo court. Is $50 worth it to get into a flaming war? Not for me. Not by a long shot. We all have a magic number though.
There are alot of lurkers out there who will never post, but do a search and read up on someone before doing business with them. You may not get your money back, but at the very least, you've documented it to help protect others.